Taking a month off (after being made redundant) cruising with my daughter..... Spending time with my dad and brothers in the VI and seeing long lost friends & family in NY…. Back home getting to grips with all things WEG – entries/accommodation/logistics/feed/transport…. Training and competing the lovely Panta who I so enjoyed riding…. Participating in a fantastic fund raising lecture demo with Andrew Murphy and 3 other guinea pigs including Suzanne and Rhapsody who just loved being back in the lime light!.... Experiencing what it's like to fly a horse to the USA….. And finally being a part of the World Equestrian Games drama which may have been the last in its present form?
Oh... and I got a fab new job - YAY!!
There have been many lessons learned on both a riding and personal level. Recently I have learned that I really don't like not having a horse to get up for - these past 3 months have been a huge change for me!
All we can do is 'kick on' and see what 2019 brings us... hopefully more good memories with family and friends... new challenges... new experiences.... and no doubt more lessons learned!
Happy New Year everyone!!! xxx