But there is lots to look forward to before then... Hartpury International is now a mere 5 weeks away. Regrettably we had to postpone the quiz night this month but will hope to run this next month as we need a good turnout to be a successful fundraiser. Details are emerging from WEG as to the costs of competition and accommodation, none of which are small , and therefore these fund raisers are crucial!
Rhapsody spent a week with Andrew at the beginning of May following which we also had two para competitions - at Hickstead and Patchetts. I am using these competitions as part of our training programme although it is difficult not to get swept up in the moment and lose sight of what the game plan is... as happened at Hickstead when I panicked a bit and then was cross with myself but at Patchetts - and with the same judge as we had at the previous 2 para competitions - I decided to ride to plan - trying out two different tactics and although the results were the same I felt satisfied that I had ridden more consistently to the way I ride and train at home.
I have also spoken with Rachel Patten of Simple System Horse Feeds to discuss the best feeding programme Rhapsody should be on and will be making some changes to his diet over the coming weeks before Hartpury which will be a good indicator before WEG of his optimum feeding requirements
In the meantime during June I shall be competing in mainstream dressage not only for a change of test -
but also judge!
Also i will be working on fitness - especially mine!